As Exupery wrote: “We are responsible for those we have tamed”. Hardly anyone would disagree with this statement. Adults realize that a pet is not some “toy”, but a full-fledged member of the family, which requires careful care. But many children do not realize this. Thus, one boy could not cope with the responsibility and decided to leave a puppy in a box at the school door.
The incident happened in America. Surrounding people say that the boy came to school, put a box with an animal near the door and immediately ran outside. The box immediately drew the attention of the school janitor. The man decided to look at the contents and, in addition to the puppy, found a note in it.
“Sorry, this puppy is homeless, it’s cold outside, so we decided to give him to you. Please find him a good home. Thank you” – such text accompanied the note. At the same time, the animal did not look like a stray puppy, it was clean and well-groomed.
The janitor gave the doggie to a teacher who was not indifferent to animals. She gladly took it for a while and started looking for owners. The puppy turned out to be a girl, the teacher named her Snowflake.
The woman appealed for help to the dog rescue center. There the animal was helped to find the owners. Now the little girl is in the hands of kind and reliable owners who surround her with love and care.