Another mysterious picture from the category of complex visual puzzles from the beginning of the 19th century. Try to solve it and give it a rating on a five-point scale.
So, the wealthy Baron Turnitskoy, the owner of the Vitarian County in the Don Kuchini, had a large estate, by the standards of the 19th century. We won’t list all the animals in detail, but we’ll note that a herd of 74 cows and a herd of 65 horses are significant indicators of the baron’s wealth.
However, the Baron’s favorite animal, to which he was attached, was an ordinary Catalan donkey named Sanar. The donkey was presented to the baron by his Spanish comrade Federico Savoni, with whom they had been friends since childhood.
The only thing Federico Savoni asked to consider was that the donkey lived next to the fighting bulls participating in the Spanish Corrida (the Corrida is considered one of the embodiments of the Spanish national spirit. The word corrida itself is derived from the verb correr, the main meaning of which is “to run”).
Therefore, Sanar the donkey had clearly developed an unflappable “fighting” character. And the baron had to tame the aggressive, fighting donkey. And today, Sanar has risen up in defiance.
And now the puzzle task – where on the picture is the owner of this donkey, where is Baron Don Kuchini?
We look forward to your answers in the comments. We hope you can handle the task and find the owner of the donkey in the picture.