Look closely at this picture. In it, a man holds an axe, and next to him stands a piglet. By the way, the breed of the piglet is quite surprising; just look at its legs and face.
The man is clearly up to something, as November 7 and the first frosts are coming soon (at least in most regions of our country).
As is known, in villages, they would slaughter livestock and prepare meat for the winter. This was necessary for two reasons. Firstly, the first frosts would set in, and meat could be stored outside in special containers without fear of it spoiling.
Secondly, it was time for the livestock, especially pigs, to reach their full weight. They would no longer gain weight, so there was no point in feeding them further.
Returning to our puzzle today, it’s worth noting the cleverness of the donkey, which has hidden from its owner and has no intention, at least, of surviving this winter in a warm barn.
And now, the question of the puzzle – Where in the picture did the donkey hide? Can you find this animal?