When dad bought this TELESCOPE, the kids lined up to look through it. However, they were surprised when they saw nothing. But dad explained that you need to look through the telescope at night because that’s when you can see the craters on the moon and even the glow of stars.
Did you know that the first telescope in history was invented by the Italian scientist and priest Galileo Galilei in 1609?
So, in the evening, the kids went outside and looked through the telescope. They could clearly see the craters on the “aging moon” (moon). Judging by the picture, dad spent a lot of money on this technical invention. After all, the cost of a telescope usually depends on its size.
And now, take a close look at the picture. What else do you see besides the telescope? Can you find a cup, a shoe, a parrot, and a banana in the picture?
Which of the items listed above were you able to find? Write your answers in the comments.