Why do people get dogs? In order to guard the house, you will answer and you will be wrong. Of course, in difficult times, when there was a high crime rate in our country, in the village, you could not do without a dog. The dog has always served its master and protected his house from uninvited guests.
Today, however, rarely anyone keeps a dog in the village. People are lazy to take care of animals, do not want to spend money on food. They feel safe without dogs.
In the cities, dogs are mostly kept not for protection and defense, but for entertainment and to reduce the level of depression. These animals become another member of the family.
How can you not take such a cute animal for yourself. Especially when they bring you a tiny puppy, the size of a hamster. And there are breeds of dogs that remain small all their lives.
Such dogs bring happiness to their owners and are not intended to live on the street, and their full-fledged home becomes a human dwelling.
Look at today’s riddle. The picture shows several puppies. At first glance there are only three of them, but it turns out that the artist has hidden a fourth puppy there as well. Where is the fourth puppy in the picture?