Once upon a time, in a small village nestled amidst a dense forest, there lived a young girl named Zlata. Zlata was known for her gentle nature and love for animals, especially for her favorite lamb named Marusya.
One day, while going about her chores, Zlata noticed that Marusya was missing. She searched everywhere for her, but couldn’t find her anywhere in the village.
Zlata’s heart raced, and she felt a pang in her stomach as she realized Marusya might have wandered into the forest.
Determined to find her beloved lamb, Zlata ventured into the dense forest, calling out Marusya’s name. Zlata wandered for hours, scouring every nook and cranny of the forest, but there was no sign of her lamb. The forest was quiet, and Zlata could only hear the rustle of leaves and the chirping of birds.
Tired and hungry, Zlata’s heart ached for her lost lamb. She decided to take a break and sat down to rest under a large tree. Suddenly, she heard the faint cries of a lamb in the distance.
Zlata realized that all was not lost, and she would rescue her pet. Can you find the lamb that Zlata lost in this picture?