An outstanding visual discriminator can identify a green apple in a room in nine seconds. Is it possible? Take this visual skill test on optical illusions right now! The Latin verb illudere, which meaning to mock or trick, is the root of the English word illusion.
Optical illusion pictures are said to be among the easiest ways to assess a person’s intelligence and attentiveness because of their ability to deceive the human mind.
Optical illusion images have been used by neuroscientists to investigate how the brain generates reality perception. It has been proposed that completing optical illusion puzzles on a regular basis enhances one’s ability to solve problems.

The graphic shows readers a scenario in a chamber where different artifacts are kept.
The task for the readers is to locate the skillfully concealed green apple in the image within nine seconds. Your eye power will be put to the test in this challenge.
The most adept observers will be the first to identify the hidden green apple. Before the time runs out, take one last look at the picture. We think that a few of our keen readers have managed to identify the apple. The reveal is bellow!
The green apple is visible crammed between the two vases close to the artwork on the room’s left wall. We hope you have managed to solve the task under the limited time and most importantly you enjoyed solving this. Check out more from the recommended list!