In the small town of Zelenogorskiy, located in the Krasnoyarsk Krai, there lived a young man named Andreika. He was an experienced thief, known for his cunning and ability to steal anything. Andrei loved sweets more than anything else in the world.
One day, while wandering around the town, Andrei came across a small confectionery. The smell of freshly baked pastries and candies filled the air, making his mouth water. Unable to resist the temptation, Andrei decided to steal some candies.
He approached the shop and peeked inside. There were no customers nearby, and the shopkeeper was busy arranging sweets on the shelves. Andrei seized the opportunity and sneaked inside.
He quickly headed to the confectionery section and began stuffing his pockets with chocolates, lollipops, and gummy bears. Just as he was about to leave, he heard the sound of approaching footsteps. He panicked and hid behind a stack of boxes.
To his surprise, it wasn’t the shopkeeper but a young girl who had come to buy some sweets. Andrei watched as she picked a few candies and handed money to the saleswoman.
When the confectioner noticed the theft, it was already too late. Andreika had vanished with his loot. Can you find the thief in the picture who robbed the confectionery?