Get ready for a trickier challenge where your only chance of winning is to figure out the error in 20 seconds. Are you willing to participate?
A mother is holding her infant in a hospital room in the picture above. Her physician is standing close to her bed and grinning while she lies there.
But, there is a small error in this otherwise unremarkable scene that most people overlook. After you’ve given it your best effort, make sure to check your response below and maintain your attention.
How quickly did you identify the mistake?
Be careful. Examine every detail of the image to see it. Set the time and get started to see how quickly you can spot it. We wish you good luck. See the shared reveal bellow whenever you are ready.
Here is the reveal that we all have been waiting for! And the mistake here is that the letter B is used instead of the number 8 on the clock. Did you notice it?
Share this challenge with your loved ones and challenge them to solve it too, so you can compare your results. Have fun and enjoy your productive time with us!