Once upon a time in a distant kingdom, there lived a young princess named Ela. She was a playful and adventurous girl who loved spending time outdoors. One sunny day, she decided to play hide-and-seek with her cousins in the royal park.
The princess counted to ten and started looking for her cousins, but they had hidden themselves very well. Ela searched everywhere – behind trees, under bushes, and even inside the nearby fountain. But she couldn’t find her cousins anywhere.
More than an hour passed, and Ela began to worry that she would never find her cousins. Little did she know, they were tricking her. They had agreed among themselves and hid in different places.
The only thing that raises a special question in this whole story is why the princess is playing hide-and-seek blindfolded. Well, as they say, the rich have their quirks.
Although, perhaps this game is called something else? Who knows?
And now, the question of our puzzle – can you find all four of Princess Ela’s cousins in this picture?