The current riddle is a bit different from the ones we usually offer our readers to solve. The thing is, it has quite a sad plot. At the heart of this plot is a guide dog.
A guide dog, or a seeing-eye dog, is one of the main assistants to a visually impaired person, helping them move around outside the confines of their home with maximum safety.
So, take a look at the picture. As usual, early in the morning, the old man took his guide dog named Charlie for a walk. Nothing foreboded trouble, except for the fact that two mischievous boys were walking in the park.
Taking advantage of the opportunity, they kidnapped the dog, intending to play a prank on the old man.
Of course, it’s all a joke, and they’ll return the dog. But, as they say, the bitter taste will remain.
Can you find the guide dog and the two boys who stole it in this picture?