How did everyone spend their summer? Perhaps some went to the sea, some “relaxed” at their dacha, while others had to work all three summer months. It doesn’t matter, the main thing is that we all experienced the warm summer sensations and fresh air.
And today, when snow has already fallen in some regions of our country, all we can do is reminisce about those summer days. Snow wouldn’t be so bad, after all, winter can be very fun; you can skate, sled, ski. And there’s hardly any dust, but the cold, which can reach -50°C in different regions, isn’t particularly impressive.
Today’s puzzle is dedicated to summer memories. Take a look at this picture…
The picture depicts the Saveliev family’s summer day at the sea. Dad Kolya is playing ball with mom Olya, who is not visible in the frame. Their daughter Zlata is playing in the sand. There are many things scattered around, including toys for the sandbox.
“The sea is everything! Its breath is pure, vitalizing. In its boundless desert, man does not feel lonely, for he feels the pulsations of life around him.”
Of course, there’s nothing unusual in the picture, except for 7 items that shouldn’t be in this picture. What are the 7 unnecessary items here?